Friday, December 31, 2010

001 Network

First of all, hello everyone... This is actually an offshoot from an idea last year of having a combined blog where everyone can post what they want to tell the others. I mentioned it to Billy, who said it was a good idea, but I sort of forgotten about it until now...

As the title already suggests, the purpose of this page is to ease the search of each others' blogs. Although there are a number of links inside particular blogs, I believe that the lists are by no means complete or exhaustive. Perhaps, the authors are unaware of the other blogs or it may just have inadvertantly slipped their minds to update the links list, but on this matter, I do not wish to speculate. So, by having all the links on one page, it would help when one is looking to see how the others are doing, and reduce the length of the links list.

Lastly, it would be great if this could actually be the combined blog. So, if anyone expresses interest in further developing this blog, do inform me, and we'll see what we can do.


Chia Wei



Kevin Chan

Low Seng Yen

Pui Kheun







1 comment:

SY said...

why am i Low Seng Yen and not just "Seng Yen"? lol sorry =p